Calling all Barrie and surrounding area residents! Living Green Barrie is starting the new year off with the new monthly “CHANGE CHALLENGE”! Our change challenge will correspond with each month’s theme. Every little step towards helping the environment can go a long way, and it starts with you.

January’s Change Challenge

This month, we want to know how you are living green? What does living green mean to you? So, our challenge to you this month is to “Adopt-A-Swap”. Take one item in your household that produces waste, or is greedy about energy, and replace it with something that is environmentally friendly. Stick to your budget, and choose one swap that is right for you. Keep it small, or make it big, all swaps count! A small swap might be changing out plastic bags for cloth bags. A large swap might include replacing your old appliances with Energy Star appliances. This change challenge runs until the end of January 2019, but can be done anytime!


Keep in Touch

We know that Barrie has creative people out there, just waiting to share their “green hacks” with the world, so share them with the Living Green Barrie Community! Tag us in your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts so we can compile a huge list of swaps to make Barrie a greener city. We are looking for creative, unique hacks to feature on our page, and your’s might be one of them. Let’s Adopt-A-Swap this month Barrie, and make positive environmental changes right here in our own city.


The Change Challenge!
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