Living Green Barrie, with the help of the City of Barrie, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority (LSRCA) and our generous sponsors and volunteers plant native trees and shrubs to increase Barrie’s forest canopy. Our goal is to plant 10,000 trees for Barrie and so far we have planted 5147 trees!

Trees are vital to our very existence. They make oxygen, clean the air and help fight against climate change. Roots soak up pollutants making the waters that flow into Lake Simcoe cleaner. They provide habitat for birds and wildlife and make the air feel cooler. Plain and simple, more trees mean a better Barrie.

How to Plant a Tree

Remember to plant the right species in the right places    the right way with the right after-care. Right?!?

Right Species:

  • Check your soil. Is it sandy or clayey? Perhaps a mixture of both (loam)?
  • Is your planting space sunny or mostly in the shade?

Underground Locates

To ensure you know the locations of any buried cables/wires on your property, we recommend you contact Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 to request an underground utility check before planting. On some occasions, the utility companies may send someone out to visit your property to mark these lines.

Space Requirements

Trees and shrubs require space below ground for root development and above ground for crown development. Buildings, decks and paving can interfere with a tree or shrub’s ability to absorb nutrients and water. Cramped space, compacted soil, overhead wires and competition with other plants can stress them further and leave them susceptible to pests and disease. We will help you select appropriate species for your property based on the available space, rather than trying to fit in species that do not suit your property conditions.  

The planting site you have in mind must meet the following minimum space requirements:

Site ConditionsShrubsSmall TreesMed-Large Trees
Area of soft surface required5′ x 5′10′ x 10′15′ x 15′
Distance from fence/property line3′5′5′
Distance from hard surfaces (deck/paving)3′5’7’
Distance from buildings with foundations3′10’10’
Distance from existing trees8′15’20’
Distance from stumps or existing ash trees8’8’8’
Distance from swales5’5’5’
Overhead wiresNot an issueAvoidAvoid
Raised beds or container plantingNot recommendedNeverNever

10 000 Trees for Barrie

In accordance with Living Green Barrie’s mission, we are excited to reach our goal of planting 10 000 Trees for Barrie campaign! We are already well underway with almost 5000 trees planted since 2019. Our goal is to plant 10 000 trees for Barrie to make the city more resilient to climate change. Help us reach our goal by attending our tree planting events, or donate today!