Everyone is busy in July with summer getaways, beach days, and cold drinks on the patio, so we are keeping the July ChangeChallenge simple! We want to find out what recent climate change and environment books you are reading right now! There are so many books to choose from out there, and most of us don’t have time to read them all. So, with your input, we want to compile a list of your top 10 climate change books by the end of July! The challenge is to read as many as you can by the end of summer. We will be putting the list together for the beginning of August.

Enviro-Reads: July Change Challenge

  1. (Your suggestions here!)

It is hard to top day at the lake, with a good book, rain or shine. Let us know what you’re reading, and why you recommend it (or maybe why you DON’T recommend it!). Comment below with your suggestions, or find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to drop your suggestions there! Tag @livinggreenbarrie in photos of your favourite places to read!

To all of the Living Green Barrie Supporters, thank you!

Enviro-Reads: July ChangeChallenge
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