Monsanto Monopoly over food

‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’

Monsanto doesn’t like to share the food market, and our governments continue to allow this company to have a large monopoly over our food sources.  Since its inception over 100 years ago they have done anything and everything to create this monopoly.  In 2009 in order to perpetuate this monopoly and even increase it they spent over 8 million dollars on lobbyists.  Currently in Canada they have approximately 30% market share in seeds alone.

 With this power they have sued hardworking farmers that have had their fields contaminated with their patented Genetically Modified plants.  They have created environmental disasters from the use of Agent Orange, PCB’s, and have carried out illegal dumping of toxic waste

 Their advertising campaign and $8 million dollar lobbyists simply explain that this is all for the good of mankind and they are simply making more nutritious food, that is easier to grow and better for the environment.  This seems unlikely just based on the history of the company. 

 How can the average Joe help defeat this corporation’s agenda for complete control over our food supply?  How can we ensure that our children and grandchildren will not continue to be guinea pigs for Monsanto?

 Write a letter to your local representatives, write Stephen Harper, write Monsanto and let them know that you do not support their Genetically Modified food programs.  Talk with your friends and neighbors about this subject.  Spread the word.  Refuse to eat GMO food. Read my previous blog which contains links to GMO free handbook, and how to read current labeling on fruits and vegetables.

 How did it get this bad?

 According to approximately 70% of food in grocery stores contain GMOs.

 Monsanto was allowed to push through it’s genetically modified food by stealth despite public disdain for the products. They simply used their lobbyists to destroy any chance of labeling. This company knew that if labeling were permitted Canadians would not buy the products, like their European counterparts.  In European countries where labeling was mandatory people would not buy the food, and eventually much of Europe has gone GMO free.  

 This was a deliberate move Monsanto’s part to avoid having Canada go GMO free before they could establish an industry based on it.  This is frightening.  Many industries like oil/gas cannot be touched or the banking for that matter because to do so could mean a financial collapse.  GMO food can fall under the same category if it is allowed to grow unchallenged. The time to act is NOW!

 It only takes a few minutes of your day to write letters, or boycott their GMO products.

 Here are some email addresses you can use to let these people know that you don’t want these products on our store shelves.

 Click on the links below to contact


Stephen Harpers OfficeD

Dalton McGuinty

Loblaws (they do not want companies to label their food GMO free – what agenda are they pushing?)

City of Barrie


Monsanto Monopoly over food