What disturbs me most about nuclear power is that the waste produced by nuclear facilities will remain long after the company no longer makes money. Who then will pay to clean up the mess or at least store the waste?

Civilizations rise and fall, stability over time has not been proven historically. While nuclear power plant technology is based on the premise of stability. The principle that our societies will always be rich and able to pay for cleanup and waste storage is flawed.

Even in the midst of our prosperous society our nuclear plants leak, and accidents occur.

Further, when a facility melts down who pays for that? Although nuclear power companies always assure us that a meltdown will never occur this has already proven to be false. With more and more nuclear power plants being built will we really be able to pay the cost to use their power?

Nuclear power seems very shortsighted. I surmise if we had to pay the real cost for nuclear power it would not be cheap at all.


What is the real cost of nuclear power?