Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Small Steps towards Big Change by Cassidy Thedorf

I once heard a proverb, “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” How true this is. Many of us are realizing why we have to be kind to our planet, however we often aren’t sure how to start.

In today’s marketplace, companies are realizing how important we as consumers consider the environment to be. As a result, we are bombarded with claims of various products being “green”, “organic”, and so on. In the wake of this sensory overload, how can a busy family endeavour to become more eco-friendly?

This list suggests a few places where you can start.


  1. Compost: It is estimated that 1/3 of our garbage is actually food waste. Get the kids involved in a fun project - a backyard compost.
  2. Water: Can you reduce your water consumption by taking shorter showers? Can you wash your laundry in cold water, rather than hot?


  1. Eliminate bottled water: Save yourself money by purchasing reusable water bottles and a filter. You’ll do wonders for the environment.
  2. Paper towel: Use a rewashable cloth rather than paper towel. It is said that 7 million trees could be saved each year by using an alternative.


  1. Don’t reach so quickly for that garbage: Can you go an entire day without throwing anything into the garbage? Check to see if it’s recyclable. You may be tempted to clean out all the garbage in your car while you’re filling up at the gas station. But how many of those items should actually go into recycling?
  2. Visit the Recycling Council of Ontario website for more information on recycling: <>

At times we feel that our efforts aren’t enough. Perhaps the most impactful task we could undertake is to encourage others to participate in a “green” way of living. Spread the good word!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Small Steps Towards Big Change