Ethanol: Efficiency and Availability by Peter Bursztyn In Brazil and a few other tropical countries, ethanol is fermented from sugar cane. This process is far less energy intensive (partly because human labour inputs are greater than in North America). It
Ethanol by Peter Bursztyn Many manufacturers are now building “Flex Fuel” vehicles. “Flex Fuel” means the engine can use pure gasoline, or E-85 (ethanol with 15% gasoline), or any mix between these two. The premise is that, since E-85 is
Environmental Creed
Environmental Creed I recognize the interconnectedness of all life and acknowledge the consequences of my actions on other species and humans in locations near and distant. I realize that human well-being is derived from the well-being of the earth and
Transportation Potential Savings – $500 to $3000 per year (Depending on the car you now drive, your annual mileage, your mix of urban and highway driving, and an alternative choice you might make, you could save between $500 and
Home Insulation
Home Insulation Potential savings up to $2000 per year The cheapest approach to domestic heating in Canada is to begin with a well-insulated house. One house, built in an Edmonton (the coldest Canadian city) suburb requires no heating! This house
Domestic Heating
Domestic Heating Potential annual savings (from switching electric to gas): $1550 (Based on 1500 sq ft house; Electric heat estimated at 24,000kWh per year @ $0.10/kWh = $2400; Gas, Forced Air at 122,000 Megajoules per year @ $0.007/MJ = $850) Fuel
Hot Water
Hot Water 22% of domestic energy consumption Water heating is a large part of the home energy budget. Use Less Water – Equipment The first area to focus on water use. If you use less water, this will automatically reduce
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning Only 33% of Canadian homes have A/C Although there are several technologies to achieve cooling, only the electric heat pump is available in a domestic size range. The window mounted unit is cheap to buy and install, but
Washing Dishes
Washing Dishes 1% of Domestic Electricity Use Dishwashers have improved substantially in the past 10-15 years. They do a better job and use less water. Some claim to do as good a job as hand washing. Of course, some people
Cooking 12% of Domestic Electricity Use The Stove-Top Little can be done to improve the efficiency of stove-top cooking. Over 90% of Canadians cook with electricity. Electric ranges are inexpensive. They also cost little or nothing to install, where