by Heidi Andres Its 2012 and a start of a brand new year. Most of us have New Years resolutions and I am not any different. I want to do everything I can in the upcoming year to ensure that I
Have yourself a merry local Christmas
What is the real cost of nuclear power?
What disturbs me most about nuclear power is that the waste produced by nuclear facilities will remain long after the company no longer makes money. Who then will pay to clean up the mess or at least store the waste?
Home retrofit program worth cashing in on
what to say to get my ex back
how to tell if an ex wants you back and How to make your ex boyfriend feel like he made da worst decision by dumping you or text your ex back free advice. when should i text ny ex girlfriend
Pesticide and Pets
Pesticides and Your Pet Pets are frequently poisoned by pesticides, either from accidental exposure to recently sprayed lawns and green spaces, or from improper use of chemical flea controls. Pets are vulnerable to pesticides applied on lawns and green
Pesicide and Children
Pesticides and Children Many parents do not realize that when they spray their lawns with pesticides they are putting their children’s health and well being at great risk. In 1998 the Canadian Environmental Law Association and the Environmental Health Committee